X·Y Worldwide
X·Y Worldwide

Welcome to X·Y Worldwide!


The Biggest Crisis of Our Time

Katalin Novak, former President of Hungary, and Stephen J Shaw welcome you to X·Y Worldwide, a Non-Profit dedicated to solving the world's collapsing Birth rates – the biggest threat to humanity of our time.  

With the world’s total birth count having peaked around 2013 and since fallen by about 10%, today, three-quarters of the global population live in nations with unsustainable birth rates—below the level needed to maintain their populations. The most extreme case is South Korea, where births are halving every 20 years, but even the US is following a similar path. We believe this is the biggest crisis facing humanity simply because no nation in history has been known to survive this crisis.

What has changed?

What is remarkable is that mothers are  having the same family sizes as mothers  did decades ago. In 1970, mothers in Japan were having 2.2 children—the same as today. In the UK, mothers in 1970 were having 2.4 children—again, the same as today. And in the US, mothers are now having slightly more children; it was 2.4 in the 1980s, and that has risen to 2.6.  The idea that people are having smaller families in recent times is a myth.

The common factor across all these nations is an explosion in childlessness. In a series of abrupt transformations, which happened at different times in different nations, childlessness levels rose from less than 10% to 30% or more. In several countries, this figure has reached 40%, and in South Korea, it exceeds 50%. Yet robust surveys of women under 35 show that 90% or more either already have children or plan to do so. This gap in motherhood is what we call “Unplanned Childlessness.” But what can X|Y Worldwide do to address this silent crisis in our communities?

The rise in Unplanned Childlessness across the industrialized world and beyond is closely linked to delayed parenthood. As the societal norm shifts toward having children later and later, fewer women find themselves able to have the families they hope for. One overlooked fact is that women turning 30 without a child have, at most, a 50/50 chance of ever becoming a mother. In many nations, this critical moment occurs even earlier, based on outcome data from the United Nations. Yet most people believe this half-chance moment happens between ages 35 and 40. No wonder so many are simply running out of time!

Our Purpose

X|Y Worldwide focuses on raising awareness through youth and media education programs, as well as offering policy advice to local and national governments. It was founded in 2024 by former President of Hungary Katalin Novák, a mother of three, and Stephen J. Shaw, a data scientist, demographer, and the producer of the Birthgap documentary series—a father of three. The organization is non-political and has no religious or ideological affiliations. Our sole focus is enabling people everywhere to have the children they wish to have.

Not only is missing out on having children a personal tragedy for many, but it is also a travesty for our communities, our schools and colleges, our healthcare and pension systems, and, soon, for the core sustainability of our nations. We believe that raising awareness will empower younger people to make fully informed decisions about when the right time is to start a family, should they wish to have one. In this way, we aim to enhance lives, reduce loneliness, stabilize communities, and ultimately save our nations.

Join US

At X·Y Worldwide, we believe that the dream of building a family should be within reach for everyone. But to create meaningful change, we need the support of passionate individuals like you—people who share our vision of a future where every family can thrive.

Together, we can make a difference in communities across the globe. Whether you're inspired to raise awareness, advocate for change, or contribute in other ways, your voice and your actions are vital to achieving our mission.

Don’t hesitate to click the "Request to Join" button on this page! Let’s work together to shape a brighter future for families everywhere.